简介: The series revolves around three friends who decide to embark on a journey, in which they will run into a stranger who will molikan.com make their l
简介: 在美国最危险的街道上执法,需要怎样的精神和勇气?为了鉴证这个事实,一个纪录片摄制小组准备对底特律警察局最优秀的侦探进行跟踪拍摄。观众将跟随镜头深入了解重案组的内部情况,捕捉他们处理危机事件的瞬间,他们的英姿,还有他们个人的喜怒哀乐。 Joseph Fitch(Michael Imperioli
简介: A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles;