简介: Charlie competes with his fellow shop assistant. He is fired by the pawnbroker and rehired. He nearly destroys everything in the shop and and himsel
简介: Charlie is a fireman who always does everything wrong. A man talks the Fire Chief into ignoring his burning home (he wants the insurance money) unaw
简介: 二十年代的美国处于经济萧条时期,失业率居高不下,工人受尽压榨,成为了大机器生产中的一颗螺丝钉。查理(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰)就是一个底层市民,他在一个机器隆隆的厂房里日以继夜地工作,以赚取微薄的收入。重复繁重的工作压得他喘不过气,他把人们的鼻子当成螺丝钉来拧,卷入流水线机
简介:他是一个流浪汉(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰),身无分文,遇上了双目失明的卖花女,却不忍袖手旁观。他想尽办法去凑够费用,供卖花女治病。一天,他搭救了一个富翁,富翁当晚和他称兄道弟,第二天却翻脸不认人。本来打算向他求助的主意行不通了。流浪汉去参加拳击比 赛,以图获得奖金,却输得一败
简介:A shipowner intends to scuttle his ship on its last voyage to get the insurance money. Charlie, a tramp in love with the owner's daughter, is grabbed